Give Thanks- Week 1


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service, 938 Middletown Warwick Rd. Middletown, DE

Nov. 03, 2024
To recap our focus this fall, we have  studied 1 Corinthians 6:19  and the overall theme that “We are not our own”, and that our bodies are the temple of the living God. Moving into November, we will extend and apply this truth to our theme of "Give Thanks" and our worship.
When there is repetition, we know there is great importance around the repeated topic. The Bible shares the words “give thanks” 58 times, and the word "thanksgiving" 39 times. The Bible also mentions the word "gratitude" 157 times.
Come join us Sunday mornings at 10am during the month of November and hear why “Giving Thanks” is so very crucial in our faith walk with the Lord.