All About Father God- Week 3


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service, 938 Middletown Warwick Rd. Middletown, DE

Jun. 18, 2023

This month, our ministry team will start a new message series "All About Father God" - What comes to mind when you hear the word God, or Father God, or Heavenly Father? Do you immediately think of God as kind, compassionate, tender, affectionate, and loving or do you think of God as being distant, far away, impersonal, harsh, angry, and ready to punish? The answer to these questions may depend on what experiences you may have had with your earthly father or a male figure in your life growing up. It may also depend on differing religious teachings that you may have grown up hearing.
We are going to discuss the Bible's description of Father God, and how he desires to interact with his children and draw all people to Himself.  Please join us Sundays at 10am to hear this amazing message!