"The Power IN Gratitude" A November Sermon Series


Sunday - 10AM Worship Service, 938 Middletown Warwick Rd. Middletown, DE

 November 26, 2023

 10:00 AM - 11:45 AM

 938 Middletown Warwick Rd. Middletown, DE 19709

November already! Isn't it beautiful outside with all the vibrant colors around us? Hopefully, we all stop to take a deep breath of the fresh new season and give thanks. This time of year brings about thoughts towards thankfulness, family, gratitude and appreciation. Rightfully so since we do celebrate Thanksgiving this month.
What would our world be like if all through the year we operated from a place of deep gratitude, especially to God? Do you know that our focus on God's goodness factors into our ability to have great Kingdom impact?
This month we will be preaching from the topic of "THE POWER IN GRATITUDE". You will have time this month to check your gratitude gauge in order to evaluate how much of an impact you are for His Kingdom. Please join us on Sundays at 10am for corporate Worship, Word and Fellowship focused on Gratitude for God.